Thursday, March 2, 2017

When I Think of Child Development...

"They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel."
~ Carol Buchner

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

~ Frederick Douglass

There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: one is roots, the other is wings.
~ Hodding Carter

“Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.”
~ Josef Albers


  1. I love the first quote! There are so many times that I can think back on things that were said to me as a child, and how I felt when they were said, even if I couldn't remember what was said.

  2. Wendy,
    I would like to thank you for your questions and interactions during our discussions. I learned to view topics in different ways after reading some of your discussions. Thank you for making class interesting. I look forward to our next class together.
    Yolanda Arellano

  3. Hello,
    I happen to like the first quote as well, I believe that, becasue I have experienced that before " I TOLD MY OLDER Son that he should have not talked to a little girl in a manner that made her feel like she was nothing, but I came back and said that he is a better person than what I heard But he is my son and I know he is better than that.

  4. Wendy,
    I find it interesting that we both used the same Frederick Douglass quote! Again, I want to thank you for all the support and learning we have done together this past eight weeks. As always, you are an inspiration and a guide. Also, I do believe you are stuck with me for one more class!!! :-) EDUC 6161 is going to be fun!

    ~Mary Grace

    1. Mary Grace,
      I am not at all surprised that we used one of the same quotes! :) I checked and, unfortunately, we are not in the same group for EDUC 6161. Perhaps we will still have the opportunity to read each other's blogs once in a while though. Hopefully we will cross paths again in a discussion group in a future course.
      All the best,

  5. I have thoroughly enjoyed following you on the ECE, good luck and best endeavors or your future accomplishments.

    with love,

  6. I absolutely love your first quote. They may forget what we said true enough but will never forget the relationship we have with them. Exactly why I strive to have a positive relationship with my kids I teach. I wish you much success in your continued career.

  7. True statements. Enjoyed your post

  8. I enjoyed reading your quote about good teaching. It was very inspiring to me as a teacher.

  9. Great looking blog and very knowledgeable,Thanks I needed your quote.
